Smart Portfolios curated to adapt to changing markets
Smart Portfolios are specially curated equity portfolios from which an investor can choose from and begin investment journey immediately.
In the equity markets, we typically invest on the basis of noise – investment tips, friends, dealer’s etc. and end up having bad experience at some point of time. With changing times and technology now you get access to best Investment Advisors and Research Analysts to select from. Smartness is to select the right portfolio as per your risk reward profile and after understanding the product. You shall have complete control on the investments with “Smart Portfolios”

Start Your Smart Investment Journey Now With Your Preferred Smart Portfolios
Bonanza Select Advantage
Select Advantage Equity Portfolio buckets, for your wealth management requirements. Invest a minimum of only ₹5 lacs. Select your preferred bucket from large & mid-cap, mid & small-cap & multi-cap stock buckets.
Mid & Small Cap
Risk Appetite : Aggressive Growth Since Inception : 36.9% Inception Date : 1st April 2020Multi Cap
Risk Appetite : Moderate Growth Since Inception : 33.4% Inception Date : 1st April 2020Large And Mid Cap
Risk Appetite : Moderate Growth Since Inception : 30.7% Inception Date : 1st April 2020
Alpha Portfolios
Alpha Portfolio has theme basket built around high conviction and best ideas. The portfolios are managed by world-class investment managers while the operations are handled and executed by your trusted broker.
Why invest in Smart Portfolios?
As an investor, you are eager to participate in the markets but are unable to manage your portfolio because you lack the necessary time or knowledge. Smart Portfolios are specially curated equity portfolios by experts that allow investors to start investing right away.

All the portfolios are created by renowned Investment Advisors and Research Analysts.

A seamless technology platform to monitor and manage your equity investments 24*7.

Flexi Investment Options
Flexible investment modes with the option to choose Lump Sum and SIP.

Dedicated RM to assist with any query.

Investments For All
Investment options to meet your risk-reward profile.
Frequently Asked Questions

Check what our Clients are saying
I am happy with the performance of Bonanza Select Advantage. It is a properly diversified portfolio with adequate risk management and managed well by the Bonanza team. I would highly recommend it for all those who don’t have the time or expertise for research before investing.
I am an extremely happy investor, with a well-diversified portfolio. I completely trust Team Bonanza and their abilities to manage my investments. The team members are very responsive to the reason why a particular stock was chosen to be a part of the portfolio. Kudos Team Bonanza!
My investments in Bonanza Select Advantage have been performing well with limited downside even in difficult market situations with significant situations. I think every investor who desires to compound their wealth in a hassle-free manner should opt for their services.